2025 Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse Management Summit
Innovative Strategies for States, Health Plans/Hospitals to Manage the Opioid & Fentanyl Epidemic: Engaging/Educating Clinicians and Patients, Implementing Enhanced Monitoring Strategies, and Incorporating Effective Standards of Care
July 17 – 18, 2025 • Swissotel Chicago • Chicago, IL
Past Sponsors/Exhibitors & Partners
The opioid & fentanyl epidemic has gained national attention, and there has been increasing pressure on hospitals, health systems and health plans to effectively tackle this complex issue. Chronic pain affects a large number of Americans, and ineffective practices related to prescribing guidelines, prescription monitoring and provider education have led to an increase in opioid & fentanyl abuse/harm. hospitals, health systems and health plans must engage in efficient organizational strategies, enhanced provider education and safer prescription practices to effectively tackle the rise in opioid & fentanyl abuse.
We have created a high-level forum featuring knowledgeable leaders and executives from hospitals, health systems and health plans who will share their perspectives, valuable insights and expertise on how to be best equipped for the rapidly evolving landscape of opioid & fentanyl management. Attendees will benefit from learning about best practices and strategies that have been deployed to address the challenges presented by the current healthcare environment impacting hospitals, health systems and health plans in effectively managing opioid & fentanyl abuse/harm. This exclusive event targets senior level executives in order to maximize educational and networking opportunities.
By attending the 2025 Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse Management Summit, you will learn what others in the opioid & fentanyl management arena are doing to succeed in transforming the nation’s healthcare and its population. Register today to reserve your seat at the conference and take advantage of early bird discounts.
We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!
From Hospitals, Health Systems, Health Plans, Behavioral Health Centers, Employer Plans, TPAs, Managed Care Organizations & Other Payers:
Chief Executive Officers, Chief Medial Officers, Chief Financial Officers, Chief Operations Officers, Chief of Psychiatry, Chief Information Officers
Also, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Directors & Managers of:
• Behavioral Health • Additction Health • Medical Management • Strategic Planning • Member Engagement • Health Management • Managed Care • Health Promotion & Wellness • Utilization Management • Provider Relations • Case Management • Government Relations • Accountable Care • Health Information Management • Operations • Care Management |
• Clinical Operations • Substance Abuse Disorder • Disease Management • Quality Improvement • Community Health • Mental Health • Finance • Reimbursement • Network Management • Compliance • Episodes of Care • Claims Management • Outpatient Services • Marketing • Government Programs • Risk Management |
This program is also geared towards Mental Health Facilities, States, Government Agencies, Vendors, Healthcare Consultants, Solution Providers, Disease Management Organizations, Third Party Administrators, IT & Business Process Outsourcing Companies, Enrollment Brokers and More!
Day One – Thursday, July 17, 2025
7:15 |
Conference Registration & Networking Breakfast |
8:00 |
Chairperson's Opening Remarks |
8:15 |
Developing an Effective and Comprehensive Opioid & Fentanyl Management System Across the Health System |
9:00 |
Efforts to Combat the Opioid & Fentanyl Epidemic |
9:45 |
Networking & Refreshments Break |
10:15 |
Developing a Health Plan/Payer Focused Strategy to Effectively Manage Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse |
11:00 |
Enhancing Health Plan and Hospital Coordination on Opioid & Fentanyl Management |
11:45 |
Enhancing Provider and Clinician Education on Effective/Appropriate Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse Management |
12:30 |
Luncheon for All Attendees & Speakers |
1:30 |
Precision Medicine Technologies to Address Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse |
2:15 |
Panel Discussion: Examining Current Trends and Strategies to Maintain an Effective Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse Management Program |
3:15 |
Networking & Refreshments Break |
3:45 |
Enhancing Community Outreach Strategies Targeting Vulnerable Populations to Provide Access to Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse Treatment |
4:30 |
Implementing Community-Based Strategies for Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse Management with Local Partners |
5:15 | End of Day One |
Day Two – Friday, July 18, 2025
7:15 | Networking Breakfast |
8:00 |
Chairperson’s Recap of Day One |
8:15 |
Hospital/Healthcare Facility Controlled Substance Diversion |
9:00 |
Effectively Identifying and Managing Prescribers, Patients, and Pharmacies at Risk for Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse |
9:45 |
Networking & Refreshments Break |
10:15 |
Enhancing Provider and Patient Collaboration Strategies for Effective Opioid & Fentanyl Management |
11:00 |
Implementing Opioid & Fentanyl Abuse Initiatives that Provide Enhanced Access and Quality of Substance Abuse Treatment for Patients |
11:45 |
Create System-Wide Standards of Care for Inpatient Opioid & Fentanyl Use Disorder Treatment |
12:30 |
Conference Concludes |
Thursday, July 17, 2025 • 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Implementing Effective Standards of Care within Opioid & Fentanyl Management
Speakers To Be Announced
For Sponsorship & Exhibit Opportunities, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hospitals, Health Systems, Providers, Health Plans, Government |
Register by |
Register by |
Conference Only |
$995 |
$1195 |
Conference & Workshop |
$1195 |
$1395 |
Standard Rate, Vendors, Solution Providers |
Register by |
Register by |
Conference Only |
$1295 |
$1495 |
Conference & Workshop |
$1495 |
$1695 |
Swissotel Chicago
323 W Wacker Dr
Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312-565-0565
*Mention Group Code "World Conference Forum" to get the discounted rate of $239/night!
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